What’s an Aerobic Septic System?
Most people are unaware that there are different types of septic systems to choose from. Understanding the different options available can help you make the best choice for your particular property.
In this short guide, we will introduce you to the aerobic septic system. Information on an aerobic septic system can help you determine which is better conventional or aerobic septic system. Let’s dive in.
What Is an Aerobic Septic System?
An aerobic system, or an aerobic treatment system, is a type of small waste water treatment option you can use on your property. There are similarities and differences between this option and a conventional septic system.
The biggest difference is that the aerobic system uses an aerobic procedure for treating waste water, while a conventional septic system uses an anaerobic procedure.
When Should This Type of System Be Used?
This system is often used in areas where public drains are not common. The aerobic system can be used for either a single-family residence or a group of dwellings.
What Are the Advantages of This System?
This type of system will put waste water through enough purification processes that, in some cases, the water can be used for surface irrigation.
This system is also handy for properties with poor soil conditions or narrow parameters. In these types of situations, septic systems can get complicated.
They are also useful for properties within a high water table or homes located near surface water. These types of properties are vulnerable to contamination from elements found in sewage.
What Type of Maintenance Is Required?
The maintenance required for this type of system is similar to a conventional system. All types of septic systems will require regular maintenance for as long as the system is being used.
How Does the System Work?
During water treatment, oxygen is injected inside the tank. This extra dose of oxygen will increase the activity of the live bacteria in the tank. This ensures that nutrient processes in the sewage are happening effectively.
In some cases, this type of system may have a pre-treatment tank as well as a final treatment tank. The final treatment tank may contain disinfecting agents. This can be done to lower the pathogen levels.
The name “aerobic” comes from the word “aero,” meaning air or oxygen. This type of system uses oxygen to assist with water treatment.
This type of system includes mechanical components that help to treat the sewage. Air is pumped into the system to assist the aerobic bacteria in doing their job. The treated sewage is then pumped into an absorption area.
The average aerobic system will put waste water through these four steps:
- Pre-treatment – This is when solids are separated from sewer water
- Aeration chamber – During this step, a blower or compressor will force air into the waste water. This assists the growth of bacteria that can then digest the material.
- Disinfection – The waste water is further treated by the use of UV light or chlorine.
- Discharge – The waste water is then discharged into the absorption area.